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Kseniya Nikitina

A Visionary Leader in Fitness , Wellness and Yoga

Kseniya Nikitina holds master's degree in medicine from Samara State Medical University with specialization in medical management and economics and master of yoga, certified by World Yoga Alliance. Before her cetificaiton she spent more than 15 years studying yogic texts and almost every year travelled to Indiaying yoga in India. 

In 2017, Kseniya founded ISVARA Yoga School, a groundbreaking institution, offering internationally recognized yoga teacher training cources. ISVARA has trained over 200 specialists in 6 countries across Russia, Kazakhstan, Spain, and Serbia, expanding her impact globally. 

Ксения Никитина

ISVARA yoga school is the only school in Russia that is certified by the World Yoga Alliance. It happened due to it's 3-dimensional basis - scientific approach (all anatomy and physiology classes run by a specialist with master's degree in medicine), authenticity - providing a deep traditional approach, studied from authentic Master in India and business strategy and personal brand letting students run successful studio right from the start and do not lose years on builing groups and business enough to support them. 

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In 2020, Kseniya contributions were recognized with the prestigious "Yoga Mahacharya" title, confirmed by a  Letter of Honor and acknowledged by the World Yoga Alliance. This honor is reserved for individuals like Dr. Bhadreshas Swami, Malay Desai, Professor Nestor Cesarini and Marcello Rebottaro, who are pioneers in their fields.

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Her expertise and international recognition led to an invitation to serve as an honoured jury member at the prestigious “4th Tamil Nadu Open Integrated Yogasana Competitions 2024" in India, marking the first time a non-Indian citizen was selected for such a role. This is a large-scale open yoga championship held in Karur, Tamil Nadu, attracted 2,035 participants from 25 cities.

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In November 2024 Ms. Nikitina has organized the "Yoga and Psychology: Choose Your Method" conference, attracting over 1,000 participants from five countries, further showcasing her influence in the global yoga community. She was also a speaker at the international conference for yogatherapists organized by Tamilnadu Professionally Qualified Yoga Teachers Wellfare Association in India and headliner of several huge yoga festivals.

Her expertise has also garnered the attention of many media outlets, resulting in several interviews where she has shared her professional insights with jounalist of the biggest media in Russia.. The recognition by respected media underscores the significance of her work and expertise.Furthermore, her articles in major publications, including “Yoga Journal” and “Novy Ochag”, offer valuable insights into fitness and wellness practices and their role in combating modern-day health challenges, such as winter fatigue and stress.


Ms. Nikitina’s translation and publication of the prominent yoga book “the Unity of Jiva and Brahman” is now available in Russian for the first time.


The school’s influence reaches far beyond the classroom, with its online yoga platform. The club features fitness and wellness programs and classes, nutrition guidance, and stress-reduction techniques to a diverse international audience, including participants from Russia, Kazakhstan, Serbia, and Indonesia.

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