Scientific approach to food

It seems like it's just some kind of weird tongue twister, but wait, you'll soon find out what it is about.
Yogis - everyone knows who they are, but often cannot explain clearly. In short - those who do sadhana (do yoga practices).
The essence of this practice is immersion in oneself, distraction from the endless craving for the wordly objects , search for real happiness, which does not depend on any external circumstances, unity with the Universe and God.
We become bhogis when we pursue hunger, goals, people, feelings, impressions and desires restrain and beyond our capabilities. Often this overblown focus is the result of deep psychological blocks that we are unaware of. These impulses create self-destructive behaviors that fill the mind with new desires.
No man has yet found endless happiness in a bar of chocolate or sex. This pleasure lasts for seconds, then only one memory remains. But this memory gives rise to a new very strong desire to stay again in these few seconds of pleasure, to prolong it. The desire stay forever with the objects of pleasure makes us spend our vital energy again and again.
After some time of such life, a person becomes rogi - his body, exhausted by constant efforts to achieve the goal and enjoyment, begins to destroy. Roga from Sanskrit - means "disease". When it appears, it no longer allows you to enjoy. Pain poisons both the ordinary moments of life and those in which a person previously felt happy. Pain always comes from misuse of body - torture by an excessive strain, and then - stream of pleasure. Some pleasures (drugs, alcohol) destroy the body faster than others.
There are three sayings in India:
Three people are awake. Yogi - because he does sadhana at night, and needs little sleep. Bhogi - enjoys at night, has no time for sleep (note, clubs and feasts all at night). Rogi's heath no longer lets him to sleep soundly.
Yogis sleep on their side (controlling the breathing nostril). Bhogi on his stomach (after falling down tired and passing out), and rogies - on the back stomach is in pain, he can't sleep on it and he has nightmares on his back).
Yogis eat once a day. Bhogies- two. Rogies three. Whoever eats 4 times a day soon goes to the cremation site.

six lakhs
six hundred thousand
eleven crores thirty-four lakhs twenty six thousand seven hundred eighty nine
One hundred thousand thirteen million four hundred twenty six thousand seven hundred eighty nine
thirteen Arabs
thirteen billion
five padm seventy eight nils eighty kharabs
five quadrillion seven hundred eighty eight trillion